Tuesday, September 7, 2010

hey there, TUTORs, we have OUR week 1 and 2 intensive notes distributed out to them ad. but due to sept notes have to be given out right after they pay their fees, so we have a problem here which is to come out with a full sept notes for them, but dun worry, OCT we dun have any notes to come out, just form 1 and 2. so PMR tutors please help out the form 1 and 2 tutor in coming out the notes. i believe, our notes really due for quite some time.level of GREEN had decreased to a significant low level...AHHhhhh...
so tonite, we need to unite, to solve this matter in 30 mins and start pumping in some bars to get our breakeven level back!!

btw, the intensive form 3 notes is DONE.
i have printed it, and it's loacted at the counter. they only received when they make their payment for month of september, so no need to waste our strength to train muscles for our biceps. yay!

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