Friday, August 19, 2011

House Cleaning: About our rack

Hi gam do wai!

Our Homework Rack is super super tidy leh! *sarcasm* Unmarked homework has filled 50% of the rack, and another 50% are the model papers that were accidentally collected. Time to give them back lo!

And ps: all unmarked homework are from PMR. <.< So jealous. SPM want mark oso dun have. U all appreciate cepat go mark all of them! XP

And our returning homework are still pending~~~The return file oso FULL dy. And this consist of both PMR and SPM.

Next is our book rack. Quite luan a bit la. The racks are mixed with all PMR and SPM books. And used notes are everywhere. The rack got many many previous months' notes from various forms. We need to arrange them in order jor!

Find one day do housekeeping? Then shunbian berbonding. XP Maybe next Sunday?

and ps: I dunno about PMR, but SPM haven do teaching demo. Maybe can do in the same day?

Thats all about my reporting. XPPPP

Signing off,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chatbox upgraded!

Actually I just added in the captcha. XP This should be able to avoid spam, at least for now. My personal blog test dy recently oso no spam. YAY!

And paiseh to whoever that made the blog visible to author only, I changed back setting without informing cause' I assume ur intention is to avoid spam. If I guess wrong jor then u change back ba! Paiseh in advance. XP

Signing off noobiak

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chapters for SPM Revision

W1 - Algebraic Expression & Equation, Linear Equations & Inequalities, Quadratic Equations
W2 - Indices, Standard Form, Number Bases, Probability I & II
W3 - VariationStatistics I, IIIII, Matrices
W4 - Sets, Mathematical Reasoning, Graph of Functions

W1 - Straight Line, Gradient & Area Under A Graph
W2 - Circles I, II & III, Volume, Arcs and Sectors, Transformation I, II & III
W3 - Trigonometry, Angles of Elevation & Depression, Earth As A Sphere
W4 - Bearing, Angles and Planes in 3D, Plans and Elevation

Green = Objective ONLY questions.
Red = 12 marks long questions