Monday, November 5, 2012

Syllabus for week I (Nov 5th)

Form 1
I've prepared a Test To test their standard.
syllabus on test including:
先乘除,后加减,有 BRACKET先个做BRACKET.
fraction, decimal & percentage.

Form 2
背square, square root.
1^2 until 20^2 (用1496的方法)

Form 3
Circles 11

Revision Form-2(Jian Wen)
First week
Linear Eq
* keywords to focus
✓single fraction→divide bring over and make it Times
(X-1)/2 = 5
divide 2 bring over and times 5
that's single fraction's main thing!

✓single fraction = single fraction

Holiday Timetable 2012

Holiday Timetable 2012

Holiday Timetable 2012 Syllabus

Liang j
* All material centralised at Gasing (i will pass it to you all)